How to setup Host Platform

Step 1: Login to your HostPlatform account and select “Webhook” in the sidebar


If you are unable to see the “Webhook” option, that means you do not have enough access to use this module. Please contact HostPlatform’s team to get this access

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Step 2: Copy the Access Token provided to you by HostPlatform during your onboarding. It will be included in the excel sheet provided by them.

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Step 3: Then, click on “Configure Webhook” and add this URL:<YOUR_TOKEN>


Replace <YOUR_TOKEN> with the token provided to you by HostPlatform

For example, if your token is h145jRty627Y, youe URL will be:

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Make sure that you have added all Events(New Reservation, Create Reservation, Cancel Reservation, Update Reservation) in your Webhook

Step 4: Go to Chatdaddy, then select Shop Notifications, click on “+ Create”, and select HostPlatform

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Step 5: Paste the same Access Token in the “Access Token” field from Step 2, and click Save.

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Step 5: Setup your “Notification Settings” by inputting a name for your notification, the channel you want to send messages through, and any Default Country Code(optional)

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Step 6: Click on “New Trigger” at the bottom right of the page and select “Add Custom Trigger

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The triggers you set will decide when the message will be sent. You should have atleast 1 trigger for your notifications to work


Step 7: Select a message flow that you want to send with your trigger. If you don’t already have one, you can go to message flows and create it first.

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Step 8: Enable “Send Message on Date” and select when you want to send your message

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8.1 : checkInDate - Send the message in relation to date of their Check-In

Ex: Send your customer reminders and instructions for Check-In

8.2 : checkOutDate - Send the message in relation to date of their Check-Out

Ex: Send your customer reminders for their Check-Out time, instructions for Check-Out, and get post-stay reviews

8.3 : createdAt - Send the message right after they make a booking

Ex: Send your customer a confirmation message or a payment reminder after their booking

You can also send messages before or after the checkout time using the delays after selecting your parameter

Step 9: Set your conditions for when the message should be fired. If you don’t set any conditions messages will be fired on every new entry or update

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Here is a list of variables you can use to personalise your message in message flow:

  • orderNumber
  • guestName
  • guestPhoneNumber
  • guestEmail
  • createdAt
  • checkInDate
  • checkOutDate
  • unitListing
  • unitId
  • status
  • source
  • propertyName
  • propertyId


  1. If we receive the wrong phone number from the host platform and wish to re-trigger the notification, can we do that?

Yes, if you accidentally input the wrong phone number, you can update it on hostplatform and we will re-trigger the message to the correct and updated number

You need to make sure to:

  1. Include the “Update Reservation” event
  1. Leave the notification limit empty in ChatDaddy
If you don’t want to trigger your notifications for all updates(changing status etc.), set a condition of “status” to “confirmed”
  1. How do we check if the order has successfully been triggered?

Go to Shop Notification > Click on your HostPlatform notification and search for your order ID to see if the message has been triggered.

  1. If the order says “Message is cancelled” - There might be an issue with your message flow or we were not able to send the message to the receiver’s phone number
  1. If the order says “Message is pending” - The message has been triggered and will be sent in a couple of minutes
  1. What is the correct format of the phone number?

The correct format of phone number is country code + phone number with no extra spaces or special characters. Ex: 60123456789

  1. What do I do if my order came in and all the conditions match but there was no trigger?

If your order data and conditions match exactly, but your message did not send due to the error: “As no conditions matched, no message was sent from this data,” the issue may be caused by an extra space ( ) in either your trigger condition or the incoming data from HostPlatform.

To troubleshoot this:

  1. Highlight your trigger condition and the incoming "unitListing" data from HostPlatform with your mouse.
  1. Check carefully to see if there is an extra space at the end of the incoming data.
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  • If you find an extra space in the incoming data, you can manually add an extra space in your trigger condition to ensure they match.
  • If, instead, the extra space is in the condition you set, simply go to your conditions and edit it to remove the unnecessary space.

If there are no extra spaces, it should look like this:

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