How to install Paperform

Step 1:

Open the paperform you want to integrate, find the phone number field, and click "Configure" at the right side

Turn on the "Question is required" button, and put the phone in the pre-filled key input box Note:

  1. Phone number here refers to a complete number with a country code, without a country code, we cannot send notifications successfully. So your clients need to input a number with the country code, e.g., 85268019530
  1. Or if you separate country code and phone number, then you need to find the country code item and fill in countryCode as the key.

Step 2: Find the name line where your clients filled in their names, and refer to the step1 to input participant name as the key.

Step 3:

Set a field called 「Appointment time」and choose 「appointment」as type

Step 4:

Hover your cursor over the Navigation Bar, hover over to Shop and click on ”Notification”.

When you are at the panel click on ”+New Notifications”.

Click on「Paperform」

Fill in Time Key (also name Pre-fill key, refer to Step 1 or Step 2) and then select your “Default Country code, then click 「Save」

Then copy the webhook URL you got(Please paste this URL somewhere for later usage)

Step 5: Click "Add Custom Trigger"

Then click the arrow next to the notification to check your trigger settings

You could change or edit your message template content here (optional)

Message template:(This is an example) Note: {{participant-name}}, {{datetime}}, you can use those two variables in your message

Hello {{participant-name}} 😸

🤖 Thank you for scheduling a zoom demo meeting with ChatDaddy
the [WhatsApp Automation Expert] 14 Days Free Trial DEMO Account 💬

Kindly find the following zoom demo meeting link.
Booking Time: *{{datetime}}*
Zoom Link: :
Meeting ID:

If the condition allows -> we encourage to attend the zoom meeting with pc or
laptop 💻 so that you can clearly see the screen sharing. You will understand more ChatDaddy automated key functions and price package in
the meeting. Thanks so much & see you soon.

Step 6:

Then for condition, click to choose an event

For event values, you can choose according to below, if you want to more than one event, you need to repeat Step5-Step6 to add more triggers.

confirm:send notification once submitted

h1 reminder: send notification 1h before the appointment time

h2 reminder:send notification 2h before the appointment time

h4 reminder:send notification 2h before the appointment time

d1 reminder:send notification 1d before the appointment time

Step 7:

Go to and copy the first webhook

Step 8:

Go back to paperform, click "After Submission", "Integrations & Webhooks", then click「Webhook」, paste the webhook you got from and then click 「Add webhook」

Again, click 「Webhook」, paste the webhook URL A you got in Step 4

Congratulations! 🥳

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